Chemical Name Grade Molecular Formula Code Quntity Cas Description
Germanium,lump 99.99“ Ge72.61 0702-4727 1g k7440-56-4l
Germanium,lump 99.99“ Ge72.61 0702-4737 25g k7440-56-4l
Germanium,lumps 7`10mm99.999“ Ge72.61 7320-2748 100g k7440-56-4l
Germanium,grains 2`5mm99.999“ Ge72.61 7320-4748 100g k7440-56-4l
Germanium,grains 2`5mm99.99“ Ge72.61 7320-3748 100g k7440-56-4l
Germanium(‡W) chloride 99.99“ GeCl4214.40 0702-6721 1g k10038-98-9l
Germanium(‡W) chloride 99.99“ GeCl4214.40 0702-7731 25g k10038-98-9l
Germanium(‡U) oxide 99.9“ GeO88.60 7320-8738 25g

Germanium(‡W) oxide 99.999“ GeO2104.59 0702-8730 25g k1310-53-8l
Germanium(‡W) oxide 99.999“ GeO2104.59 0702-8750 500g k1310-53-8l
Germanium(‡U) selenide 99.999“ GeSe151.55 7321-3738 25g
Germanium(‡W) selenide 99.999“ GeSe2230.51 7321-4738 25g
Germanium(‡U) sulfide 99.999“ GeS104.68 7320-9726 5g k12025-33-0l
Germanium(‡U) sulfide 99.99“ GeS104.65 7321-0738 25g k12025-33-0l
Germanium(‡W) sulfide 99.999“ GeS2136.74 7321-1726 5g k12025-34-2l
Germanium(‡W) sulfide 99.99“ GeS2136.71 7321-2738 25g k12025-34-2l
Germanium(‡W) telluride 99.999“ GeTe2327.81 7321-5738 25g

Niobium-germanium alloy 99.9“ Nb3Ge351.31 7410-5738 25g

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