Chemical Name Grade Molecular Formula Code Quntity Cas Description
Rhodium, powder 99.9“ Rh102.9055 1802-0726 1g k7440-16-6l kFSLl2
Rhodium(‡V) chloride 99“ RhCl3209.26 1802-2726 1g k10049-07-7l
Rhodium(‡V) chloride trihydrate 99“ RhCl3E3H2O263.31 1802-3726 1g k20765-98-4l
Rhodium(‡V) nitrate 99“ Rh(NO3)3288.92 1802-4726 1g k13465-43-5l kFSLl1
Rhodium(‡V) oxide 99.9“ Rh2O3253.81 1802-5726 1g k12036-35-0l

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